Article of the Socialist Fight # 8
The Socialist Fight group is a member of LCFI (Liaison Committee of the Fourth International) with the Liga Comunista - Brazil
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There are many wounded. These coward were ordered by PSDB of Alckmin and Eduardo Cury, Governor of São Paulo and Mayor of São José dos Campos, respectively, against the poor population.
Even under a vast disproportion of forces, local sources say that the squatters are resisting with stones and sticks and barricades of burned tires. Entry to the site of the occupation was blocked by the MP, there are several arrests, many wounded (including pregnant women and children), and already we have reports of a massacre: 7 deaths so far. They have just cut telephone and internet signal in the area.
At the moment Pinheirinho needs every sup-port and solidarity of the workers’ and popular movement to resist. Orient all fighters in solidarity with this struggle who go wisely to the site to help neighbours in whatever it takes and denounce this massacre as widely as possible.
On Sunday, around 6 am, without notice, the Military Police and its shock troops attacked the Pinheirinho community, an operation for the orderly evacuation of the neighbourhood against the approximately ten thousand poor residents of the region. Some sources report the direct active resistance from residents and former residents of Pinheirinho within the state of Sao Paulo. Police also visited the United Steelworkers to prevent the arrival of solidarity. A community leader has disappeared and cameras and phones are being confiscated. The forces of repression have made the site inaccessible.
Information is contradictory, politicians like Mr. Ivan Valent (PSOL), Senator Eduardo Suplicy (PT) and the Socialist leader José Maria (PSTU) were isolated by the forces of repression in the Edgar School. This was later contradicted by parliamentarian press offices who said that negotiations were ongoing in school. Part of the press said that the senator was not in Pinheir-inho today, but on Saturday, but the YouTube confirmed the arrest. There are journalists who confirm that the politicians and teachers Almir Bento Freitas Alves and Lourdes were also de-tained at Edgar School. Almir and Lourdes are directors of Sinpo (Association of Professionals in Education in Education Hall of São Paulo).
The Twitter social network, as is standard procedure, removed the hashtag # Pinheirinho from Trending Topics, which was primarily in Brazilian.
The Command of the Military Police had received a court order determining the immediate suspension of repossession Pinheirinho. The order was signed by the duty Judge Samuel de Castro Barbosa Melo, the Federal Court at the behest of the Federal Court. Therefore the assault is not complying with a federal court order and is totally illegal. The order of rein-statement was determined by the civil judge Marcia Loureiro.
The suspension order was therefore void, as a large police force involved in the crackdown, in which they are being used live bullets and rubber bullets against stones thrown by the population. The newspaper reports that the Valley is experiencing a local climate of war, with all entrances blocked and coleaders have been detained, while resi-dents barricaded the roads with burning tires to try to halt the repressive force.
The Pinheirinho community is a land of over 1 million square meters, located in Sao Jose dos Campos, home to some 10, 000 people since 2004. The eviction of the land meets the inter-ests of capitalist property and respond to the complaint the company Selecta, Lebanese investor Naji Nahas, which is $ 15 million to the city council, being led by the military police under the orders of the governor of Sao Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB).
On Tuesday, January 17, a federal court ordered to stop the eviction, while the state court claiming the incompetence of the federal courts to adjudicate the case.
Dozens of protesters blocked the road to Rio de Janeiro at Dutra, in solidarity with the residents of Pinheirinho. The Federal Highway Police is already in place trying to remove the protesters and the police are on the way.